Thursday, June 21, 2007

Prior Lake/Savage High School abstains from abstinence.

Click Here to read update on story.

If the recent firing of Chris Lind by Prior Lake/Savage School Board officials reveals anything it exposes the districts real attitude towards abstinence based sex education.

MFC recently obtained a notarized copy of a statement delivered by Jim Fry at the school board meeting earlier this week. Fry was asked by Chris Lind to witness a January 3rd meeting at the district office with Tony Massaros of Human Resources.

Fry says that Massaros told Lind he could not talk about abstinence with students during or after school, on or off campus, during or after school hours. According to Fry, Massaros also told Lind he could not talk about abstinence in a bible study in his own home, “in youth groups at church or in small group study off campus.”

Massaros allegedly censored Lind from discussing abstinence with anyone who had ever attended the district.

Perhaps Lind would have kept his job if he had limited his discussions to other comprehensive sex education topics such as how to get an abortion or oral sex with a dental dam. (See examples of comprehensive sex education curricula.)

The recent rise in STDs and STIs in Minnesota is proof that current sex education curricula are a colossal failure. And, as long as schools continue to fire personnel for promoting abstinence then we can only expect more of the same.