Friday, September 28, 2007

Pastors visit Washington DC - reaquaint themselves with nations Christian heritage

MFI and 30 pastors just returned from a Congressional Pastors Briefing in Washington DC. The briefing included a tour of our Christian heritage at the Capitol. The historical evidence of our Founding Fathers Christan faith coupled with the mountain of paintings, inscriptions and statues is overwhelming.

Anyone claiming that our Founding Fathers were not Christian, and that the original intent of their greatest gift, our Constitution, was to cleanse expressions of faith from the public square is ignorant of the historical facts. Sadly, ignorant due to the revisionist agenda of our public schools.

The Capitol Rotunda resounds with our Christian heritage. A minimalist review of the life size paintings covering the walls depict a prayer meeting, baptism and two bible studies. Another captures the 59 signers of the Declaration of Independence; 29 of which had seminary degrees.

One painting by John Gadsby Chapman depicts Pocahontas - being baptised. After which she changed her name to Rebeca. Bet you didn't catch that in the Walt Disney movie.

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