Thursday, November 12, 2009

Spitzer to Give Lecture at Harvard Ethics Center - LOL!

My first reaction on reading about disgraced former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer speaking at Harvard's ethics center was to laugh out loud at the ridiculous irony of it. Even the former madam whose escort service provided Spitzer with high-end hookers recognized the irony in a letter of protest to the center, referring to him as a "man without ethics."

But what the story underscores is no laughing matter. It shows how ethically bankrupt so-called ethics centers really are, steeped as they are in a worldview devoid of any rational, objective basis for ethics or morality, that is in fact openly hostile to the mere suggestion that there IS an objective basis for ethics and morality.

That the Harvard ethics center would bring in someone like Spitzer to speak on ANY subject reveals how unqualified it is to say anything about ethics.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes void of ethic morality, just as the high holy rollers preach and turn up in deprived situations.

Its the one that totes the extreme that ends up with no moral structure. Its those who force others to try and fit into their box that are casting the stones.

It those who are doing against christ when they say they are doing in the name of christ the most.